Russell Bouchard Addiction Recovery Fund
Russell Bouchard Addiction Recovery Fund wants to spread our message of hope and compassion. We believe that a single action can make a difference in the community, and that collective action can greatly impact the world. Together we can help our community members get the help they need.
Who We Are
The Russell Bouchard Addiction Recovery Fund was founded in 2020, three years after my brother's battle with addiction was lost. I established this non-profit organization in his name to help community members find the resources and funding available to receive the care they need to win the battle against addiction. With community support, education, counseling availability, and funds for in-patient and continuing care, we can make an impact on this epidemic. The core of our efforts is to make resources available to those who seek healing and support them on their wellness journey.
-Sandy Mesenburg
“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther King Jr.
Contact Russell Bouchard Addiction Recovery Fund
33 E Elm St, Norwalk, OH 44857
1 (419) 706-4712